Granutools improves powder understanding by delivering leading edge physical characterization tools


Combining decades of experience in scientific instrumentation with fundamental research on powder characterization, our tools are designed for accuracy, repeatability, and operator independence with strict initialization protocols and a high level of automation.

Therefore, the measurables lead to the physical understanding of powder mechanisms.


Our tools have been developed to help you to answer the following questions:

What are the flow properties of your products? From nanostructured powders to granular materials. How will your powders work after processes, pre-and post-treatment? Like exposure to moisture or heat, the effect of storage and mixing.

How to optimize your formulation regarding the flowability? Considering the grain size distribution, chemical products, fill, and blend.

Are your manufacturing processes under control? Are they affected by the quality of the precursors, raw products, or process conditions?

Are the flow properties of your granular materials, powders, and nanostructured powders depending on storage, handling conditions, temperature, moisture, or electrostatics? Are they fluctuating over time?


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