Tecnologia Meccanica Srl

Founded in 1970 by Renato Locatelli. Grown up devoting itself to the construction of the most advanced prototype systems for the local process industries. Making the innovation as its main focus from the very beginning.Today engaged in the Italian market for R&D in the most well known pharmaceutical/chemical/agrochemical labs. Active worldwide in the micronization technology field with its own Fluid Jet Micronizers.

Located in Northern Italy not far from Milan, It is a family owned and run company.
Tecnologia Meccanica offers process support services including rheology testing and micronization trials in order to provide the properly engineered design to meet your specific needs.
Equipment can be tailored to meet the customer’s requirements and specific product characteristics.
Full range of capacities including lab machines that start as low as 0.5 g/hour, up to production equipment with production capacities up to 1500 kg/hour.

With the term micronization it is indicated a method of reduction of the dimensions that results in powders under the 10 µm in size.
This technology is extremely important in different industrial fields, in particular in the druggist field where the reduction of the active principles (the so-called API and HPAI) to such dimensions increases exponentially the characteristics of Bioavailability, of Bioequivalence, and the surface area available of the product.
Tecnologia Meccanica Fluid Jet Micronizers are able to obtain an extremely narrow tight particle size distribution curve of d100<5 µm (100% below 5 µm) and d99<3 µm (99% below 3 µm) or even less depending on the nature of the product. As a manufacturer of prototype systems, we still maintain in-house all the necessary human resources and manufacturing capabilities. We have Engineering, Information technology, Testing center, Non Destructive Testing laboratory, and mechanical/carpentry/polishing capability in our own Workshop. 5000 m² area, 2000 m² covered EC Norms, TUV Inspected The company is currently managed by Dr. Massimo Locatelli, the second generation from the company’s founder.

Tecnologia Meccanica Srl
Via S. Cristina 37
Albegno di Treviolo (BG)
+39 035 691320
+39 035 201175

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