BWF Envirotec

BWF Envirotec is the world’s leading provider of filter media for industrial dedusting, product filtration and solid/liquid separation. Our extensive range of filter media includes synthetic needle felts as roll goods, ready-to-install filter media, a wide choice of surface and protective finishes as well as accessories for dust collectors.

Our headquarters is in Offingen, Germany. With sales and manufacturing sites in Australia, China, Czech Republic India, Italy, Russia, Turkey and the United States as well as a sales network in over 50 countries, we guarantee market-driven, customised solutions and a comprehensive service.

As early as 1968, BWF Envirotec was the first manufacturer worldwide to introduce synthetic needle felts as filter media. Today, BWF Envirotec produces yearly over 7,000,000 ready-to- install filter media. These are used worldwide under the brand name needlona® for the filtration of harmful gases and pollutants. Since 1992, we have been certified under the Quality Management System ISO 9001.

Main business segments BWF Envirotec:

  • Asphalt mixing plants
  • Biomass power stations
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
  • High temperature dedusting
  • Coal-fired power stations
  • Food industry
  • Non-ferrous metal and steel production
  • Cement, gypsum and lime industry
  • Thermal waste treatment

We support and accompany our customers through all project phases – from the analysis of process data, the recommendation of filter media, to the monitoring of filter media in use. For all applications, there are BWF Envirotec specialists who know the processes, applications and technologies of the plants. This guarantees our customers first class advice on all aspects of filtration.

BWF Envirotec
Bahnhofstrasse 20
89 362
+49-8224-21 44

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