Hunter’s WorldWide is Three Companies in one. Over the past 50 years we have been the trusted name in Material Handling both domestically and internationally. Currently there is Hunter equipment in operation in every state in the continental United States. We are the premier Equipment Manufacture in both the Ag, and Industrial business. You will find our products in operation conveying the products most manufacturers avoid.
From the lightest most delicate products to the very harshest of conditions we are there, quietly, reliably working. The top educational institutions in the Nation have chosen Hunter products for testing and extermination. With all this experience we have expanded into fields that most are unaware. Hunter offers complete layout design services for your facility, Construction Management, as well as Evaluation and Recommendations of current facilities.
Also available is Land Production Evaluation and Recommendations. The final division is our Commodities Division, offering most products available on the open market. The name on the piece of equipment you have known and seen for years, has much more behind it.