In this case the material to be transported corresponds to a mixture of rubber with mineral fillers and a bulk density close to 2 Kg/dm3, it is a material that tends to caking easily, creating agglutinations that make pneumatic transport impossible; it is transported in special containers, with a total weight of 700 Kg, to a grinding process prior to a pneumatic transport and dosing to a final process.
On the other hand, the distribution in the plant makes it impossible to transport the material by screws, in addition, a reduced space that makes it difficult to maneuver with forklifts, as well as the installation of standard equipment for lifting and unloading.
To solve this requirement, Coscollola Engineering designed a system consisting of container lifting and tipping equipment, which can be loaded laterally, thus reducing the space needed, both for the equipment and for the maneuvers. At the same time, a flat bottom extractor was modified, so that it could break the lumps, fluidize the material and feed the mill in a controlled, synchronized, and integrated way with the end user’s ESCADA systems, complying with the quality and safety requirements.