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Get Bulk Solids Silo Inventory to Your Phone

19 May 2022  |
A cloud-based inventory system using intuitive software, level sensors, and network devices is an investment that will help to optimize the storage and processing of grain, plastics, aggregate, and feeds. It offers simplicity and speed, while enabling operations to keep employees safe from the risks of climbing and more efficient at their jobs.

The BinCloud app puts the most critical information on your phone for whenever you need to know tanks and silo levels. Watch how it works in this video.

Will my current sensors work with BinCloud?

Yes! Most any brand of level sensor with a 4-20 mA or Modbus output with work. BinMaster has a selection of non-contact radar, guided wave radar, lasers, 3D level scanners, and SmartBobs if you need new sensors or an upgrade.

If you have sensors watching temperatures, pressure, etc. BinCloud can pull your API call into the report right alongside your inventory readings. API is a computer language which allows apps and operating systems to share information. Make an API call happen by consulting with your BinMaster representative.

It’s simple to automate your inventory system.

The BinMaster bulk material inventory system works for small to very large operations. Systems are expandable and may be applied to more silos over time to allow for testing and budget.

  • Each bin gets a unique name and vessel dimensions.
  • Reports estimate the percentage full, volume, and bushels or metric tons.
  • Organize vessels by type bulk materials, size or name or alert status.
  • One report includes multiple locations organized by size and scale of the overall operation.
  • View data by site, contents, or alert status.
  • Readings for each bin presented as mass in tons or bushels, available capacity or headspace in tons or bushels, volume of grain in cubic feet or meters, height of the grain in the bin, and distance to the grain from the sensor.
  • Set alert notifications for each bin via email or text message to a phone to notify specific personnel of a high- or low-level condition.

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Processing operations that struggle with the challenges of inventory management and timely replenishment of all types of solids and powders can monitor silo levels on their smartphone, tablet, or desktop with complete solutions from BinMaster....

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