Founded in 1961, Carman Industries manufactures the most complete line of vibratory material processing equipment in the industry. Our expert engineers can help you solve material handling and processing problems by providing solutions that are “Built To Deliver”.
Fortune 500…
Our problem solving expertise has earned us the confidence of dozens of Fortune 500 companies who rely on our solutions to process their products day in and day out.
Industries Carman Industries Serves…
With more than 50 years of vibratory material handling and processing application experience in a variety of materials, chances are we have proven equipment installations solving problems similar to yours. Some of the industries we serve include:
- Food
- Chemical
- Foundry
- Coal and Other Mining
- Power Generating
- Glass
- Plastics
- Water Treatment
- Forest Products
…and many others. Check out our Product Solutions section for some industry specific examples of our work.