Grupo Oasis is a company established since more than 20 years ago, with the purpose of offering environmental and dust control solutions. This company was born under the need of setting into the market a high quality product which help to control the environmental pollution, and our experience in this field situates us as a trustworthy supplier.
We are specialists in the manufacturing of dry-wet via dust collectors, as well as silos & hopper venting equipment, in accordance with your company´s requirements. We also give assistance to the final user with engineering and supervision to guarantee that our systems comply with the parameters recognized by the local environmental regulations.
In addition, we supply replacement parts for your current equipments, such as Filters, Timers, Valves.
The experience acquired through our trajectory allows us to offer maximum quality products. Grupo Oasisas a permanent innovator, is always searching for new technologies.
Grupo Oasis stands out for having high quality commitment to both, the customer and the products it manufactures. Also is characterized by having highly qualified people and fully experienced in the manufacture and sale of Dust Collection Systems.