Division HENNLICH ENGINEERING is engineering and manufacturing company and deals with projects in area of bulk materials transportation, manipulation and storing.
Our main product line is loading spouts for dust-free loading of bulk solids in places where loose mass is handled and dust tends to disperse into the air. Dust pollutes the environment, is unhygienic and has a negative effect on the safety of all operations. During loading of bulk solids huge losses of material can occur. Those and other problems can be solved by using our loading spouts.
HENNLICH ENGINEERING also manufactures filter units that are used for dust suppression in plants and silo storage.
Our Line fog cannons can be used for dust suppression on open piles of bulk solids or on haul roads.
In previous projects we have provided basic and detailed engineering, along with the delivery and installation of energy chains, belt conveyors and components for belt conveyors such as impact and stabilizing beds, sealing systems, belt cleaners and spray systems. We have also provided pipe conveyors, elevators, screw conveyors, steel silos, central vacuum cleaners, storage domes for open air storage yards, fire detection systems, the application of food polymers for dust suppression on haul roads and open piles and the suppression of unpleasant smells that can arise from slack water, septic tanks or sewer systems.