In the early 1980s, Kamengo led an extensive research program that uncovered key reasons why bins suffer from chronic plugging. The research also produced new technologies for handling difficult flowing materials.
Kamengo’s research demonstrated that equipment must be designed according to the stored material’s flow properties. A bulk material’s flow properties dictate the conditions the stored material requires to build a stable bridge or pipe and hang-up. Good bin and feeder design is about knowing what these conditions are, and designing your storage and feed equipment to deny the stored material these conditions. When interpreted correctly, material flow properties not only provide you invaluable guidance on minimum design requirements, but also allow you to compare the behaviour of your material with the behaviour of other, similar materials, for which working, proven storage and feed configurations exist.
There are five tools that Kamengo offers that lever the best of what material sciences has to say about designing for difficult flowing materials. These tools and our decade’s long experience of delivering reliable solutions is what differentiate us as a partner in your problem solving process.