
Lenterra is a privately-owned, New Jersey based technology company specializing in sensor instrumentation development based on patented optical technologies.

Our most recent innovation is an inline, real-time flow measurement solution for industrial process monitoring and control that aids in process design, scale-up and reproducible manufacture of a variety of products in diverse industries. In collaboration with Bristol Myers Squibb, Lenterra flow sensor (LFS) was successfully tested in a high shear wet granulation (HSWG) and the granulation end point was successfully predicted. LFS was able to quantitatively characterize, with high temporal and spatial resolution, wet mass granule densification, a critical material attribute that correlated well with quality of the product – tablet. Moreover, LFS was able to demonstrate a successful scale-up of granulation.

This novel process analytical technology (PAT) tool was developed when the FDA Office of Pharma Science expressed a concern that the pharmaceutical industry’s “hesitancy to embrace innovation is undesirable from a public health perspective.”

The new measurement tools that we developed benefit not only the pharmaceutical industry, but several others including Biotech, Food, Lubricant, Paint & Ink and industries that use mixing or piping systems as part of their process and manufacturing operations.

Our proprietary flagship products also include RealShearTM wall shear stress sensors (LSH) for in-line measurement of wall shear stress in pipes and conduits.

Lenterra’s in-line flow measurement systems allow customers to obtain accurate information – without the need to stop their manufacturing process – creating an immediate opportunity for decreased costs and an increase in overall efficiency.

Among other innovation, Lenterra has developed a technology for optical measurement of terahertz (THz) radiation that is supported by the Department of Defence (DoD) via a Phase II SBIR grant. Overall, the company has received a number of SBIR grants and won several patents as acknowledgement for its contributions to sensor instrumentation development.

105 Lock Street Suite 301
United States
(973) 623-0755

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