RK-Prozesstechnik GmbH & Co. KG

From made-to-measure concept to operational plant: RK-Prozesstechnik, based in Lauchringen, offers innovative automation solutions for all industries. With experience of more than 20 years the company develops state-of-the-art systems for operation, disposition, monitoring and control. Activity emphases are the technical planning and software development for all industries, which require automation solutions.

Renowned companies like Cemex, Holcim or Heidelberger Beton rely repeatedly on the know-how and the experience of RK. The concrete for the Krupp-Tower at Rottweil, the highest building in Baden-Wurttemberg, comes from a concrete plant, which has been modernised by RK-Prozesstechnik specifically for this task.

Not only concerns, but also small and medium-sized businesses esteem the intelligent automation engineering, which is developed at Lauchringen. RK-Prozesstechnik is appreciated as a competent and powerful partner, not only in Germany and Europe. The automation professionals are also out on business in Australia, Dubai and the USA. More and more RK’s know-how is also locally requested. Besides state-of-the-art technology, the huge wealth of experience and a dedicated staff team the huge capability lies in the customized and innovative solutions, which are offered to the customers.

In order to exhaust the know-how to the maximum, RK-Prozesstechnik also relies on modern and powerful technology in the workshop. “We don’t work with premade standard components, but supply our customers with solutions, that are customized to their requirements”, explains Harald Rieger, who is one of the two company founders and CEO. “From the planning over projecting to installation, mounting and commissioning we are always on the side of our customer.”

The automation technology by RK-Prozesstechnik convinces with profitability, efficiency and sustainability. Living this philosophy, RK-Prozesstechnik successfully acquired renown in the industry and also gained a huge and loyal customer base.

Besides the development and realization of software solutions combined with innovative technologies, modernizing of existing plants as well as energy management are further main tasks.

Harald Rieger is certified energy management officer and responsible for the development of sophisticated systems, which capture production data and display them transparently. This way, vulnerabilities and energy leaks can be determined fast and very efficiently, serving for the optimisation of production processes and thus saving energy.

RK-Prozesstechnik has developed a system using state-of-the-art measuring technology, which has been certified and eligible for sponsorship by BAFA.

Data-base applications and webbased developments are further main tasks in RK’s range of services.

RK is a company that takes on trainees for the professions of electronics technician and IT specialist. In cooperation with academies RK also offers possibilities for diploma thesis.

In 1992 Harald Rieger and Thomas Keser founded the company RK-Prozesstechnik. Two years later the company moved into the newly built headquarter at Lauchringen. As a result to the continuous expansion the workshop was enlarged in 1997 as well as the office building in 2003.

27 engineers, technicians, electricians and commercial clerks take dedicatedly and competently care of our customers’ requirements.

The company is characterized by distinctive flexibility, competent consulting and unconventional ideas!

RK-Prozesstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Riedstr. 10
+49 7741 9199 0

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