Sequoia Scientific, Inc.

Since 1995, Sequoia Scientific, Inc. has been the global leader in technologies for submersible and field measurements of particles and particle size distributions. The company began with its workhorse product LISST-100X. This was the first instrument which incorporated laser diffraction technology for measuring particles in coasts, ports, harbors, rivers, streams, and reservoirs etc. It remains the only instrument worldwide with this capability.

Derivative instruments have been offered over the years; e.g. the LISST-ST measures the settling velocity of particles suspended in water in-situ. An iso-kinetic sensor system, LISST-SL was developed to measure sediments and other parameters for monitoring rivers. The world’s first and still the only battery-powered airplane-portable laser diffraction system is our product, LISST-Portable|XR. It is used, among others, by drillers in the oil and gas industry to size drilling muds. Still other systems, LISST-HYDRO and LISST-INFINITE are made to guard hydropower turbines against abrasion in run of river plants, or for observing rates of siltation of reservoirs. These various sensors are in use by US and 30-plus international government agencies, academics, consulting, and environmental monitoring companies. A network of International Distributors supports our customers.

The products are cited in ISO-11657.

For scientists computing propagation of light in water, the company offers a radiative transfer model software HYDROLIGHT.

In 2011, the company introduced its first in-line holographic particle measuring instrument, LISST-HOLO.

In 2015, the company added still new technology – the LISST-ABS. This incorporates high-frequency acoustic backscatter for measuring suspended sediments. The LISST-ABS delivers dramatically superior performance over optical backscatter devices.

Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
2700 Richards Road, Suite 107
United States
(866) 212-2226

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