The Quick Access Port is a new add-on option that can be inserted in the BFM® Seeflex 040E or 060ES range of flexible connectors. It gives easy access to product flow to perform metal detector drop-testing, take product samples or even add small-volume ingredients.
Provides fast, easy access to product flow without product spillage.
The Quick Access Port consists of a 56mm polyurethane thread port hole with a stainless-steel screw in plug. The port can be inserted in the side wall of BFM® fitting connectors made from the popular Seeflex 040E and 060ES materials. The plug can be unscrewed and re-screwed easily without interrupting product flow and without spilling product. This means customers don’t need to remove a flexible connector to do testing or access difficult pipe hatches or doors where there is potential for product loss.

Metal Detector Testing and product sampling made easy
The concept for the Quick Access Port came about from a discussion about the difficulty some customers had accessing product flow for metal detector testing. “They were having to remove the connector each time they tested – which in some cases was hourly – and this was a significant interruption to production” said Matthew Bailey, BFM® Global’s Technical Lead. By adding a port in the wall of the BFM® fitting connector, it serves as both the chute for product to pass through the detector and as the testing access portal, without product loss or any significant downtime.
It’s taken quite a bit of development to get this innovative new product modification to market and the team are excited about the application possibilities. “It’s great we’ve managed to solve the initial challenge for use in metal detector testing” said Bailey. “The new port option also means that BFM® fitting flexible connectors can act as easy access hatches for in-stream product sampling and for adding small volume ingredients during processing which is a bonus!”
The Quick Access Port is now available as an optional extra to add to any Seeflex 040E and Seeflex 060ES flexible connector of 150mm / 6” (diameter and length). Both materials are compliant with FDA, USDA & EU food safety regulations.