An increasing number of purchasers of finished meat and bone meal products now require that their suppliers provide them with properly processed and filtered/screened final product, free of metal contamination.
In the meat rendering industry, the sources of metal contamination vary depending on the part of the process and the type of product, as different locations introduce different types of contaminants. For example, many ovine meal processors face a challenge with removing slow-release capsule springs from the rendered meat. These springs get ground-up within the product and the contamination remains there. Having a magnetic separator to extract these fine metals is an excellent way to increase the quality controls and solve this issue.
Another very common source of contamination is the hammer mill. As the hammer mill materials slowly wear away, these metal fragments (course and fines) are introduced into the product. Effectively extracting these fragments can only be done with a strategically positioned, high intensity magnet.
A common source of contamination found in poultry product is magnetic stone. This stone contamination comes from the gut of the poultry as the birds ingest stones from the ground while feeding. The magnetic stone can be removed by magnetic separation equipment.
To reduce machine protection issues, this contamination needs to be removed from process. Factors such as screen breakage, downtime and loss of production, and tramp iron contamination causing fire/explosion in the hammer mill can all be drastically reduced by placing correct metal fragment controls in place. This means less downgraded product, less quarantined shipments, and prevention of brand name damage!
Our aim is to emphasize the importance of supplying clean final product. Many rendering industry professionals state that they had no idea how much fine metal fragments were in their meat and bone meal until installing a magnetic separator and seeing the vast amount of magnetic fines extracted. A great way to find out how much metal is in your finished meal is by using a certified Lab Test Magnet Probe. Once the magnetic probe is placed into the bag of finished meal and swirled around, it is a great way to provide an indication of the magnetic fragment contamination levels.
The Mag-Ram® Self-Cleaning Magnet has proven to be one of the best performing and successful magnets for final meat and bone meal product as it can be programmed to automatically clean itself and therefore save operator time.
In some rendering applications, the contamination is so high that manually cleaning conventional grate magnets is neither practical nor convenient. Once contamination builds up over the magnetic grate, the magnet’s strength is cancelled out, meaning that further contaminants passing over the magnet just keep flowing down the product stream and remain in the finished product. The modular design of the Mag-Ram® allows it to handle anywhere between 3T to 90T per hour! This self-cleaning magnet can clean one ram at a time or all at once, and a wear equalization feature is incorporated to prevent flat spots on the magnet and uneven wear on the seals. This means more reliability for a longer period of time.
The Mag-Ram® is engineered to rotate with each cleaning cycle and there is also a short burst of air directed at the magnets to help remove the pyramid of excess material from being carried over to the reject side. This means you have a lean contaminant sample that is easy to analyze for more accurate traceability of risks and less wastage.
Additionally to this, the Mag-Ram®’s design has many more features which have proven it to be an excellent choice for meat and bone meal applications, such as:
- Increased product security
- Option for supply of unit with a control box
- HACCP, USDA, CE & FDA Certification
- Improves the purity and value of your product
- Reduces WHS issues caused from cleaning heavy magnets
- Eliminates risk of metal fragment issues caused by magnets not being cleaned properly (reduces operator cleaning errors)
- Machinery and plant protection
- Risk reduction
- Customer satisfaction
- Low, economical, and simple maintenance.
- Single Ram cleaning method provides much higher product security and metal fragment control as opposed to magnet designs which clean whole rows of magnets at once.
- Limits leakage/wastage of product.
- Continuous extraction of Rams ensures zero downtime during production for cleaning.
- Easy collection of metal contaminants for analysis
- Minimal material build-up and blockage achieved with unique incremental rotation of Rams.
- Extremely hygienic due to the absence of sleeves, which inherently build-up with unclean product residual.
- Dura-Slik® Abrasion Reduction Technology
- Powered by proven ultra-high energy RE80® and RE80®HT Magnetics
Where a gravity-feed magnet, such as the Mag-Ram®, is not feasible and the product is pneumatically conveyed via blow-line or vacuum line, consider installing a Spherical Pneumatic Transfer Magnet. These magnetic separators perform well in rendering applications and are very resilient in high-flow and abrasive applications.
For difficult-to-flow applications with products such as cakes (or crax), a Dual Round Nose Plate Magnet is a great choice. These magnets will easily pick up chunky contaminants such as nails and bolts from the product and protect machinery without an unacceptable restriction to the product flow.