Founded in 1996, SternMaid GmbH & Co. KG is a leading contract manufacturer of powdered food additives, food supplements and pharmaceutical excipients. It is an expert in blending and refining special ingredients for vitamin mixtures, pharmaceutical powders and special dietary nutrients.
As part of its production process, SternMaid uses bulk bags containing powdered food supplements that are discharged through a sieve and vacuum conveyed along its production line. To further optimize this conveying process, SternMaid wanted to integrate a new screener to provide extra protection against potential contaminants entering its products. Dealing with pharmaceutical and food products, hygiene is of paramount importance.
Having worked together in the past, SternMaid consulted with Russell Finex again to find a solution to meet its requirements. Following onsite testing, the 600mm Russell Compact Airswept Sieve™ was recommended using 1000μm and 2000μm mesh size. Pleased with how it handled powdered ingredients, SternMaid was able to further develop its production line, optimizing its process while enhancing its high level of quality control.
Testing the sieve allowed the company to assess performance, enabling powdered food product to be sieved through a 1000μm mesh aperture size to protect product quality. The other main benefit of the Russell Compact Airswept Sieve™ was that it could be installed and integrated into SternMaid’s existing pneumatic vacuum line. The sieve’s compact design also took up less production floor space, while being easier to strip down and clean.