How Three, $30 Aerators Saved $100,000

Gerdau Ameristeel is a mini-mill steel producer in North America, with annual manufacturing capacity of +/- 12 million tons. Aerators Saved
27 Jun 2019  |
Gerdau Ameristeel is the second largest mini-mill steel producer in North America, with annual manufacturing capacity of approximately 12 million tons.

At their Jacksonville, FL plant, a balky lime injection system that feeds an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) was replaced by three Solimar Aerators with excellent results and significant cost savings.

“We couldn’t get the lime to move smoothly from the 15 foot tall by 6-foot diameter hopper that feeds the furnace, “explains on-site engineer, Taylor Lane. Quicklime is used as a flux in purifying steel in the EAF. The melting point of lime is 2400° F. The company had been dumping lime into the furnace because the injection system was unreliable and expensive to maintain but the excessive lime consumption was driving up energy costs.

“I noticed on a lime delivery tanker that it had these Solimar air-operated discs placed on the exterior, “adds Taylor, “We put three of the units with 120-degree spacing around the bottom of the conical lime hopper and it works beautifully by feeding the material at a steady rate.” Now the company is enjoying reduced lime consumption and saving on energy. Lane adds, “It takes 3 kw./ton to melt steel and with the reduction in energy consumption due to the even feeding of the lime we are saving over $100,000 per year.”

Let us save you big money with an inexpensive dry bulk handling solution using Solimar air-operated Fluidizers available for transport trailers, silos, bins and hoppers.

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Solimar Helps Solve Your Material Flow Problems Choose Solimar disk-type fluidizers for the discharge of powder and bulk solids. This complete line offers long-wearing aeration devices for many applications including silos, hoppers, bins and trailers....

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