Efficiency Control of Moisture Levels

Efficiency Control of Moisture Levels
11 Jul 2023  |
Fluctuating moisture levels can cause significant changes to the quality of various types of manufactured products. These inconsistencies mean the final product will have varying quality levels depending on where in production they were created. Near-infrared technology is the best solution to accurately measure the moisture levels of multiple applications, offering a solution that meets all quality control factors. Accurately detecting moisture levels frequently throughout the process allows for line adjustments as needed that improve the overall functionality and efficiency of the facility.

MoistTech Corp. manufactures the diamond standard in moisture measurement sensors, service, and support. With over 40 years of experience, our equipment stands above the competition providing continuous, reliable readings with zero maintenance, a one-time calibration with a non-drift optical design that allows operational personnel to confidently make line adjustments based on real-time measurements. Connected directly to a PLC if desired, a moisture control system creates a closed loop process within your facility.

Improving the Pelleting Process

MoistTech can immediately increase the quality and consistency of the pelleting process with moisture control. Making pellets is a fairly straightforward process, however a pellet mill is only as efficient as the consistency of the material that is being inputted. Several factors must be considered such as: the wood species, the die specifications, the grind size, the geometry of the grind, the conveyance, binder requirements and more. But an often-overlooked aspect of the process is the moisture content of the biomass, usually due to lack of knowledge about its importance in the production process. Slight, intentional moisture changes by as little as 1% makes a noticeable difference in the durability quality of the pellet and in the sheen. If the moisture rate varies by 3-5% it is almost impossible to consistently make a durable pellet.

The other factor that moisture directly affects is the amperage of the main drive on the pellet mill. In wood pelleting, if the moisture rate trends upwards, the amperage of the motor swings upwards as well. Likewise, When the moisture rate drops the amperage falls significantly. This bouncing of the amperage rate can have a detrimental effect on the production capacity of the pellet mill. Major decreases in production rates can be seen simply because the inbound biomass wasn’t a consistent moisture, not to mention there is the possibility of plugging the mill.

How is this overcome? Moisture measurement and control directly on the production line with MoistTech’s IR3000 series sensor. With a near-infrared moisture sensor, users can adjust the programming of the dryer system to provide a more consistent biomass moisture rate in real time. This directly correlates to a higher production capacity and a better-quality pellet. MoistTech has been in the moisture control industry for over 40 years with several successful installations in the wood industry, savings users time, money, and energy.

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MoistTech Corp. is the original manufacturer of Near-Infrared (NIR) technology in the Industrial Moisture industry, manufacturing a range of on-line sensors & at-line instruments for moisture measurement and real-time moisture process control. Non-contact and insensitive to material...

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