GKM Extends KTS-VS2 Series of High Capacity Screening Machines

GKM Extends KTS-VS2 Series of High Capacity Screening Machines
23 Dec 2019  |
Due to the sustained high demand for the screening machine type KTS-VS2, the models KTS-VS2 600 and KTS-VS2 800 complement the GKM's established range and KTS-VS2 series models.

These additional machine sizes provide the ideal solution for little feed quantities or small batches.

The KTS-VS2 Control Screening Machine removes oversize or foreign contaminants from your final product.  It is the optimum solution for control- and safety screening of powders and liquids. The KTS-VS2 is easy to integrate into production lines and ensures high throughput rates via central product in- and outlet. The KTS-VS2 is extremely flexible and is outstandingly suitable for meeting sector-specific requirements and the demands.

The KTS-VS2 series are conceived for the most demanding applications in the pharma & food sectors like the screening of milk powder.  Another typical application is the control screening of powder coatings where quick disassembly and easy cleaning is extremely important.

On the basis of the modular design, the KTS-VS 2 the machine is very easy to handle. The quick clamps allow a quick disassembly, simple cleaning and assembly without the use of tools. An optional Ultrasonic Cleaning System ensures a very efficient screening and higher performance even with fine mesh cloth. Therefore, it is used to prevent the mesh cloth of clogging or product adhesion. Since the ultrasound system is located on the outside of the machine, it is particularly suitable for contamination-free screening and thus complies with the ATEX requirements for dust in Zone 22.

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