Vibratory Conveyor with Integrated Magnetic Drum

Vibratory Conveyor with Integrated Magnetic Drum
21 Feb 2020  |
The German-based interVIB GmbH is delivering ready to start modules for metal separation. A basic module consists a Vibratory Trough Conveyor type TCV and selectively a magnetic drum type MD or a magnetic overbelt conveyor type MA, including the complete support structure.

Each module is designed and built to the specific application and the required space on  customer’s site.

The Vibratory Trough Conveyor TCV receives the conveying good from the up-stream equipment, e.g. a shredder, homogenizes the product flow and is spreading the material. This ensures easy separating of the metal pieces from the product stream. The Trough Conveyor can be equipped with bolted in wear plates, if needed furthermore with a rubber lining between the plates and the trough reducing the noise emission.

These modules are designed and built individually for every single customer’s needs and application.

The customer can choose between a magnetic overbelt conveyor MA or a magnetic drum MD, all sub-supplied by notable European manufacturers. Further components can be selected, as there is a height adjustment by mechanical linear motion lifters, to mention only one.

The complete module is designed and manufactured at our site in Münster, Germany, and before shipping it passes through a complete final inspection at our inhouse test field.

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Intervib is a German company offering bulk material conveying solutions in all fields of industry. The highly engineered vibratory machinery conveys, screens, grades, meters, feeds and transfers your conveying good gentle and reliable.Intervib’s solutions are...

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