The screw feeder and hopper replace an existing handling system which did not provide adequate flow of material as it did not address the material’s extreme particle shape and propensity to interlock. To ensure the required supply of biomass, Ajax designed a hopper which provides a reliable flow under gravity; while the twin screw feeder directly below utilises screws with a progressive pitch to secure even draw down of biomass from the full length of the hopper’s outlet.
Decades of experience handling a range of biomasses and waste products as well as many conducting many flow tests informed Ajax’s design of the hopper and screw feeder.
Commenting, Christian Wurzer, researcher at the UK Biochar Research Centre, said, “Since commissioning Ajax Equipment’s screw feeder and opper, the equipment has performed exactly as expected, handling the material very well.”
“It’s great for Ajax to support the UK Biochar Centre in Edinburgh with their vital work. The biomass materials being processed present significant challenges to handling as they readily interlock or ‘bird’s nest’, forming obstacles to flow. Ajax’s technical understanding of flow properties and the material’s interaction with equipment helps us optimise performance with even the most challenging materials. By exploiting the most appropriate flow shape for the hopper and pairing it with state-of-the-art twin screw feeder design, the flow and feed of the material are ensured,” said Eddie McGee, managing director, Ajax Equipment.