Technologies that can be “touched by hand” on a 1:1 scale at the Research and Innovation Centre located in Pessano con Bornago (Milan).

NTE Process is constantly committed to the research and development of new plant solutions for the reduction of harmful emissions from the combustion of coal, biomass, waste and other fossil fuels.
The company patented a technology that responds to the most stringent requirements for storage, dosing and transport of dry sorbents (hydrated lime, sodium bicarbonate, activated carbon, etc.) to reduce harmful emissions. It is successfully applied in incinerators, power plants, glassworks, cement factories, steelworks, and all sectors where there are industrial polluting processes.
Among the leading technologies, NTE Process provides the accurate dosing of sorbents according to pollutants, a software for the self-control of the PLC system and for the automatic cleaning of line and injection lances, as well as a special fluid-dynamic and resistive splitter for the simultaneous injection in several points and innovative lances that increase the performance of pollutant removal which reduce the use of reagents up to 50%.

Moreover, NTE Process is specialized in handling waste products and fly ash with the patented Dense Phase conveying equipped with the Air Assist® technology which inject air in controlled quantity and pressure along the transport line This leads to the following advantages:
- it allows an excellent control of the product speed, reducing the working pressures and the consumption of the conveying air;
- it considerably reduces the wear of the pipes and in particular of the bends, especially when conveying abrasive products;
- in case of accidental stop, , the plant is able to restart with pipe full of product.
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