Mixer for Pasty and Medium/High Viscosity Products

21 Jun 2022  |
The solution with a completely extractable rotor shaft on sliding support arms allows the operator easy access to every point inside the mixing chamber, allowing a complete cleaning of the mixer, the rotor shaft and the mixing tools. This solution is optimal for use in sectors where the cleaning of the mixer with every change of recipe is of utmost importance.

With PADDLE-shaped mixing tools, / EXTRA-REINFORCED DUTY Design with the following technical design: Motor with Force vent fan motor suitable for Frequency Converter (not in our supply).

  • Material in contact with the product in AISI 316
  • Paddles bolted to the mixer shaft with SPECIAL design
  • 2 N° Charge doors, 1 N° Venting door
  • Maximum batch size 220 liter
  • Bomb discharge door with control throught pneumatic cylinder with opening for 18 degrees
  • Grease seals without air flowing
  • 1 N° Inspection side door with Side hinged opening with electro-mechanical safety device
  • Surface finishing stainless steel inside / outside: Shot blast with micro glass balls with grade of finishing 2,5-4 micron
  • 1 N° Liquid inlet connection 1”NPT + 4 N° Triclamp 3”

Process: MIX of magnesium oxide / magnesium chloride + calcium carbonate, wood flour, perlite with a medium b.d. 0,89 Kg/liter.

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MIX SRL is an Italian company that since 1990 has been manufacturing Mixing Systems and Components for Bulk Solids Handlig suitable for many dirrerent fields of application. MIX SRL product range: Single shaft horizontal mixers,...

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