Success Story - Mobile sludge treatment unit

11 Aug 2023  |
How CTP Environnement & Sofraden joined their knowledge to create a new Mobile sludge treatment unit answering specific matters

CTP Environnement is a service company for industries specialized in chemical cleaning and effluent treatment with mobile units. In 2020, They were awarded the contract to sanitize pathogenic sludge on the sites of one of their customers.

Among the challenges we can mention mobility, speed of implementation, operating modes and rates imposed by the customer, but above all the basic problem coming out of their historical core business: the hygienization of solid waste by liming with temperature rise.

During their research for the mixing material, they met Sofraden, who turned out to be a real partner for the development of this project.

Sofraden accompanied CTP Environnement from the tests, through the design and the realization, to the commissioning.

Sofraden supplied a complete unit integrating a lime silo, a mixer, a reception hopper, and finally an extraction screw.

The particularity of the project was to make the process autonomous in energy and to allow a fast deployment on site without handling means.

The first objective of the project was thus achieved: to produce a machine that can be transported by standard logistical means, easily and quickly mobilized, without using external tools. They are very confident for the next treatment campaigns which will take place on the various sites of their customer.

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Reliable mixing for demanding industrial applications SOFRADEN is a French manufacturer of mixing equipment founded in 1991 that designs and produces a full range of industrial mixers for different applications. Everything started with a patent...

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