Customized Redler Chain Conveyors

23 Nov 2021  |
Sinfimasa manufactures customized redler chain conveyors in lengths of up to 60 metres and with different geometries such as Z or L shape.

The body material is made of carbon steel, stainless steel or galvanised, and the chain is made of plate or forged for abrasive materials. We are also ATEX certified for zone 21 and 22, so we can design and manufacture conveyors for a wide variety of products such as additives, iron oxides, manganese, zinc, sulphur, wood pellets and chips, compost.

In this video, we present a redler to collect clinker from the filter discharge and take the material out through a single opening. It is 500 mm wide, 500 mm high and 17.5 metres long, with a forged chain. It is fitted with a SEW 5.5 kW hydraulic motor and SKF bearings, and is finished in C4 SA 2 ½” with 240µm coating. With this equipment we ensured performance and low maintenance costs for transporting the clicker with a density of 0.6 to 1.2 kg/dm3 and temperatures of 80 to 110º.

All our conveyors are delivered with PPI documentation, quality certificate, CE certificate and assembly or maintenance manual which can be translated into 15 different languages.

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SINFINES Y MAQUINARIA S.A., SINFIMASA, It is a leading Spanish company in the manufacture of machinery for transportation and lifting of all kinds of bulk solid materials by conveyors “endless” (screw conveyors), chain conveyors “redlers”...

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