Learn How to Characterize Your Powder to Improve Your Process and Revenue

20 Jul 2020  |
Powder characterization is becoming one of the key parameters in many industrial processes.

Powder handling, packing, flowability, convoying, and charge build-up are often hard to quantify. Several methods are available and it’s not always easy to find which suits you the best. Granutools is specialized in powder flow characterization and is supporting major actors in several industries such as pharmaceutical, food, and additive manufacturing.

Come and join our technical team in a brand new webinar series where you will learn how to characterize your powder to improve your process and revenue. During those online presentations, our team will do some live demos while showing groundbreaking results and new characterization methodology that suits today’s industrial processes. 

Care to join us? Please click on this link to register for our next webinar and see all the topics that were already discussed.

We are looking forward to discussing this with you.

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GranuTools, is a company that improves powder understanding by delivering leading-edge physical characterization tools. Granutools improves powder understanding by delivering leading edge physical characterization tools. Combining decades of experience in scientific instrumentation with fundamental research...

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