Low productivity issues when spray drying powders

3 Mar 2020  |
Conventional older-style spray nozzles collect deposits on the exit point of their caps and this product build-up, known as 'bearding', can cause a series of problems for spray drying plants.

Watch the video or read below to find out more about how to address this issue.

Cause of Problem: Bearding

May be due to dryer configuration, use of wider spray angles and powder formulation, but mostly due to deficient nozzle design. This increases the cleaning up frequency, which delays production. Stopping production for cleaning and short run times play a big part in dryers’ low productivity.

Solution: Flat Cap Profile Click&Dry

flat cap design provides a lower outer face profile greatly reducing bearding. This means fewer dryers shut down for clean up, and therefore, higher productivity. If we reduce build-up, we slow the bearding process and therefore, nozzles can run longer. Click&Dry system offers longer run times!

By moving the o-rings into the wear part helps to achieve this result.

Click&Dry is not just a great product, there’s also ongoing professional support available in the form of a team of engineers onsite that offers comprehensive assistance in the conversion from conventional radial seal caps to Click&Dry low bearding caps.  

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