All Steel Flexible Screw Conveyor Resists Abrasion

All Steel Flexible Screw Conveyor Resists Abrasion
4 Feb 2021  |
Flexicon have introduced a wear-resistant flexible screw conveyor with carbon steel conveyor tube, heavy-duty flexible screw, and heavy-gauge floor hopper and discharge housing, capable of moving crushed glass, garnet, aluminium oxide, silica sand, aggregate, cement and other abrasive materials.

The screw is available in lengths up to 12 m in round, square, flat or beveled profiles to optimise conveying efficiency for each application. The 115 mm diameter conveyor tube is available curved to vertical, to horizontal or any angle.

The screw is the only moving part contacting material. Its lower end has no bearing, while its upper end is driven beyond the material discharge point, preventing material contact with the upper seal or bearing.

This configuration facilitates simple maintenance in harsh environments since the single moving component can be quickly replaced if necessary.

As it rotates, the screw self-centres, providing ample space between itself and the tube wall to minimise or eliminate grinding.

The gentle rolling action imparted by the screw prevents the separation of blends, while the enclosed conveyor tube prevents product and plant contamination. 

Supplied as standard with a durable industrial coating, the unit is available with an optional start-stop control panel and a range of flow-promotion devices.

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